Contributions on the Content and Nature of the Phycocoiloid from Laurencia papillosa (Forssk.) Greville (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales)


The content, infrared spectroscopy, total sulphate and optical rotation of the phycocolloid from Laurencia papillosa (Forssk.) Grevüle from Tanzania have been investigated. A phycocolloid yield of 33.6 ± 0-6% was obtained on a dry weight basis. The total sulphate content of the phycocolloid was 16.8 ± 0.4% and the optical rotation was found to be negative [a|D5 - 5.5 °. The phycocolloid was soluble in potassium Chloride. Its IR spectra showed absorptionpeaks more akin to -than -or -cairageenan. A detailed discussion of these findings is presented.



Phycocolloid from Laurencia papillosa, Greville (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales)


Semesi, A.K. and Mshigeni, K.E., 1977. Contributions on the content and nature of the phycocolloid from Halymenia venusta Boergesen (Rhodophyta, Cryptonemiales). Botanica Marina, 20(4), pp.233-238.


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